Circular demolition

Circular Demolition

The purpose of this guide is to provide the client and their partners with specific instructions on how demolition projects can be planned and carried out so that reuse and reutilisation are promoted as much as possible.

The demolition process as a key to circular construction

The construction industry accounts for a significant part of society’s consumption of raw materials and a large part of Denmark’s total waste production and CO2 emissions. The demolition process, in which building materials are removed, forms a crucial part of the circular value chain in construction. While the demolition process has traditionally been regarded as a source of large quantities of waste without value, demolition in the future will be the production site for valuable resources for construction.

In order to make better use of the materials, it is necessary to increase our focus on planning and executing the demolition process. Methods for removing, sorting and handling harmful substances are already in place, and these processes are known by the demolition companies. However, poor planning, poor descriptions or a tight time schedule often prevent the utilisation of good resources.

Three guides on the demolition process

This guide is one of three Værdibyg guides focusing on the value-creating demolition process:

  • Tendering of demolition projects
  • Environmental surveying and demolition
  • Circular demolition

The three guides provide specific recommendations on how to plan, tender and implement demolition projects in connection with development or renovation for the greatest possible benefit to the environment, the work environment and the collaboration between the parties involved.

The guide may also be of interest to companies wishing to purchase reused materials – either to incorporate them directly into another building or to resell them – since the guide provides an insight into the process that occurs prior to the delivery of the reused materials.The guide’s recommendations are relevant for both major and minor demolition projects, and both in connection with total demolition and renovation. Thus, the guide provides an insight into the key considerations and efforts that the various actors should make throughout the process in order to support a value-creating and circular demolition process.

Download the guide here:

Circular Demolition (pdf)


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