Collaboration in demolition projects

This guide focuses on the central elements in a good process of cooperation in demolition projects and deals with the uncertainties and risks involved in a demolition project.

A good collaboration is crucial for any construction project, but can be challenging in demolition projects as demolition is marred by uncertainty. This results in conditions where it is important to take the environmental history and structure of the building into account even though time and economy can be tight.

Avoid conflicts in demolition projects

Demolition projects often has a change of personnel and companies which can contribute to an unclear distribution of roles leading to conflicts and misunderstanding.

It is important to strengthen the good collaboration between the involved operators of the demolition project. This guide outlines the central elements concerning the good collaboration process as well as how to deal with the many uncertainties and risks that are involved in a demolition project.

The guideline can be of help with both a total demolition project as well as a partial demolition followed by a renovation. 


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NY Udbud af rådgiverydelser
NY Bedre Entrepriseudbud
Totaløkonomi i udbud
Brugervenlige kontrakter
Udbud med forhandling
Dialog i udbudsprocessen
Gode råd i renoveringsprocessen
Risikohåndtering i renoveringsprojekter
Forundersøgelser i renoveringsprojekter
Håndtering af brugere og beboere i renoveringsprojekter
Samarbejde og kommunikation i renoveringsprojekter
Leverandør- og samprojektering
Perspektiver på renoveringsprocesser
Effektiv Prækvalifikation
Afregning af vinterforanstaltninger
Kvalitet som tildelingskriterium

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