Tendering of demolition projects

Tendering of Demolition Projects

This guide focuses on the particular circumstances concerning the demolition process. The purpose of this guide is also to increase the understanding of principles and concepts in relation to demolition.

Better tender basis for demolition projects

Today, tender prices for demolition projects typically fluctuate more than is the case for other types of construction work, and the final price is often higher than expected. Often, conflicts arise between the parties about whether the demolition work has been carried out as agreed with regard to scope and quality, with critical delays as a conse- quence.

Better demolition leads to a more competitive project

The conflicts between the parties are typically because the basis of the tender has been unclear. There are many reasons for this, but it primarily seems to be that the actors in the construction industry are generally uncertain about how demolition projects are described and tendered in practice.

The purpose of this guide is therefore to better prepare clients and the construction industry’s other actors for the future tendering of demolition projects. Better tendering of demolition projects will lead to a better competitive basis and an increased certainty that the work will be carried out as expected.

Three guides on the demolition process

This guide is one of three of Værdibyg’s guides focusing on the value-creating demolition process:

  • Tendering of demolition projects
  • Environmental surveying and demolition
  • Circular demolition

The three guides provide specific recommendations on how to plan, tender and implement demolition projects in connection with development or renovation for the greatest possible benefit to the environment, the work environment and the collaboration between the parties involved.


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NY Udbud af rådgiverydelser
NY Bedre Entrepriseudbud
Totaløkonomi i udbud
Brugervenlige kontrakter
Udbud med forhandling
Dialog i udbudsprocessen
Gode råd i renoveringsprocessen
Risikohåndtering i renoveringsprojekter
Forundersøgelser i renoveringsprojekter
Håndtering af brugere og beboere i renoveringsprojekter
Samarbejde og kommunikation i renoveringsprojekter
Leverandør- og samprojektering
Perspektiver på renoveringsprocesser
Effektiv Prækvalifikation
Afregning af vinterforanstaltninger
Kvalitet som tildelingskriterium

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