Involving the users

Involving the users

This guide describes how a good user process should be organised and implemented throughout the construction project. The guide also deals with communication between users and construction professionals, important points to consider, and much more.

Value to the users

Value creation in building projects and user involvement are closely related. What use is a good building which has been delivered on time and within budget if the users’ underlying needs have not been understood and so have not been met? User involvement is key to understanding the users’ needs, and is therefore vital to achieving a high level of user satisfaction. User involvement can also promote understanding and ownership of the chosen solutions, which in itself can contribute towards a positive perception of the end-product.

Experience from practitioners can inspire

Although the purpose of user involvement may seem obvious, the process is often a source of frustration for both users and professionals. This guide is designed to pass on good experience from practitioners across the industry and inspire effective, value creating building processes.

Download the guide here

Involving the users (pdf)

Download appendix here

Appendices (pdf)

Guidelines in English

Strategic partnerships - implementation of the collaboration
Enviromental Surveying and Demolition
Tendering of demolition projects
Circular demolition
Mediation and conciliation
The handover process
Involving sub-contractors
Operations based construction process
Involving the users
Starting right
Payment of winter provisions
Establishing collaboration
Perspectives on phase transitions in the building industry
Schedule report

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