Dilemmas and decisions in the demolition process

This guide focuses on the dilemmas and decisions that might occur in a circular demolition process. There are three central themes: demolition or renovation, choosing materials for reuse and recycling, and the circular demolition regulations.

Many factors can complicate the decision-making process in a circular demolition – both planning and execution among other things. This guide focuses on the three of the most central dilemmas that can arise:

Demolition or renovation?

How do you decide whether a building should be completely demolished or if a better solution would be a partial demolition followed by a renovation? And which considerations concerning working environment, the planning process and economy are crucial to the process?  

Choosing materials for reuse and recycling

Which aspects are important to take into consideration when you decide what the best fit of materials is concerning reuse and recycling? How do you evaluate factors such as economy, working environment, the demolition process, etc?

Circular demolition regulations

Which current circular demolition regulations apply? What are the rules in force and how do you handle things such as waste management, supply and documentation?


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