Starting right

Starting Right

This guide discusses the activities meant to ensure that a construction project and a project team get things right from start, creating clairity and balancing the constraints.

Starting right creates value

It is absolutely vital for a good project process to get things right from the start by making the right decisions in the initial phases of the construction project in order to create clarity about the tasks and interfaces for everyone in the project. From the very start there should be a clearly defined and effective organisation so the right skills come into play at the right time. The project constraints should be well-known and balanced, so everyone is familiar with the relevant assumptions and agreements.

Communication leads to an effective building process

A clear framework and agreements provide the best foundation for good communication between the parties to the project, and so form the basis for an effective building process. This guide focuses on the crucial parameters that need to be understood before the project design work starts. The specific tools and methods in the guide will help the project to get things right from the start and provide for a value-creating projectprocess right through to handover.

Download the guide here:

Starting right (pdf)

Download the appendix here:

Appendix (pdf)

Guidelines in English

Strategic partnerships - implementation of the collaboration
Enviromental Surveying and Demolition
Tendering of demolition projects
Circular demolition
Mediation and conciliation
The handover process
Involving sub-contractors
Operations based construction process
Involving the users
Starting right
Payment of winter provisions
Establishing collaboration
Perspectives on phase transitions in the building industry
Schedule report

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