Enviromental Surveying and Demolition

Environmental Surveying and Demolition

The purpose of this guide is to clarify how environmental surveying constitutes a value-creating element in demolition and renovation projects. Often, the client doesn’t prioritize environmental surveying in a demolition project due to it being a time consuming and costly affair.

The value-creating environmental survey

Occurrences of harmful substances such as asbestos and PCBs are one of the most frequent causes of delays, extra bills and disputes between clients and contractors on demolition and renovation projects. With good and accurate environmental surveying, the problematic environmental issues can be mapped, described, planned and handled early in the process. The environmental survey thus forms the basis for planning, collaboration and dialogue between the client, the consultant and the contractor throughout the entire demolition project – from the initial design, through ten- dering to execution.

The good environmental survey

A good environmental survey can reduce the risk of new issues arising, but it cannot be avoided that harmful substances or similar may be hidden in the structures once the demolition of a building begins.This guide therefore also describes how the involved parties can identify and deal with new issues during the execution phase.

This guide is one of three of Værdibyg’s guides focusing on the value-creating demolition process:

  • Tendering of demolition projects
  • Environmental surveying and demolition
  • Circular demolition

The three guides provide specific recommendations on how to plan, tender and implement demolition projects in connection with development or renovation for the greatest possible benefit to the environment, the work environment and the collaboration between the parties involved.


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