The Sustainable Construction Process

You cannot build sustainably alone!

In Denmark, we have a strong tradition for focusing on cultural, economic and social qualities in construction – and finding the right balance between these conditions. But there is little doubt that it is the climate crisis and the fight against man-made climate change that have recently put sustainability at the top of the international community’s agenda – and made it the most pressing challenge in construction. Therefore, the industry’s focus in the coming years should be on solving problems associated with environmental sustainability – in particular CO2 emissions and, in the longer term, scarcity of resources and the destruction of biodiversity.

Minimize obstacles in the sustainable construction process

This guide focuses on the central issues that are complicating the sustainable transition:

  • There is a lack of goals and strategies to reach the desired level of sustainability
  • There is a lack of collaboration between project participants concerning sustainability
  • There is a lack of a common language and shared methods when making requirements for sustainability in contracts, agreements and tender
  • There is a lack of resources and management that ensures that sustainability goals handled and maintained troughout the project


Forside af publikationen: Kender du typen?Værdibyg
NY Udbud af rådgiverydelser
NY Bedre Entrepriseudbud
Totaløkonomi i udbud
Brugervenlige kontrakter
Udbud med forhandling
Dialog i udbudsprocessen
Gode råd i renoveringsprocessen
Risikohåndtering i renoveringsprojekter
Forundersøgelser i renoveringsprojekter
Håndtering af brugere og beboere i renoveringsprojekter
Samarbejde og kommunikation i renoveringsprojekter
Leverandør- og samprojektering
Perspektiver på renoveringsprocesser
Effektiv Prækvalifikation
Afregning af vinterforanstaltninger
Kvalitet som tildelingskriterium

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