In Denmark, we have a strong tradition for focusing on cultural, economic and social qualities in construction – and finding the right balance between these conditions. But there is little doubt that it is the climate crisis and the fight against man-made climate change that have recently put sustainability at the top of the international community’s agenda – and made it the most pressing challenge in construction. Therefore, the industry’s focus in the coming years should be on solving problems associated with environmental sustainability – in particular CO2 emissions and, in the longer term, scarcity of resources and the destruction of biodiversity.
This guide focuses on the central issues that are complicating the sustainable transition:
Værdibyg fokuserer på at fastholde værdierne i byggeriet igennem hele byggeprojektet – lige fra byggeprogrammet til driften af det færdige byggeri.
Vi udvikler fælles løsninger på fælles problemer til gavn for hele byggeriets værdikæde. Vi finder og formidler branchens bedste erfaringer til effektive byggeprocesser, samarbejde og værdiskabelse.
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