Nyheder i kategorien:

In English

Byggeriet: Vi vil have flere midler til forskning i styring og ledelse

På baggrund af ny rapport efterlyser byggeriets brancheorganisationer mere forskning ...
Værdibyg nedrivning miljøkortlægning cirkulær udbud

Tre nye vejledninger viser vejen til en værdiskabende nedrivningsproces

Nedrivning af bygninger spiller en afgørende rolle for byggeriets ...

Forårsprogram 2020 for det nye Lean Construction-DK Netværk

, /
Lean Construction -DK har fusioneret med Værdibyg, og tager ...
Rolf Simonsen, sekrateriatsleder i Værdibyg byggeprocesser

Ny bevilling til Værdibyg skal skabe innovation gennem byggeprocesserne

Med en ny bevilling fra bl.a. Realdania vil Væ...

Collaboration in demolition projects

A good collaboration is crucial for any construction project, but ...

Dilemmas and decisions in the demolition process

This guides focuses on the dilemmas and decisions that might ...

Quality assurance

Strategic partnerships - implementation of the collaboration

Strategic Partnerships - Implementation of the Collaboration

This guide provides examples and tools which naturally have to ...

Strategic Partnerships - From Idea to Contract

This guide provides examples and tools which naturally have to ...
Enviromental Surveying and Demolition

Environmental Surveying and Demolition

The purpose of this guide is to clarify how environmental ...
Tendering of demolition projects

Tendering of Demolition Projects

The focus of this guide is on the special conditions ...
Circular demolition

Circular Demolition

The purpose of this guide is to provide the client ...
Mediation and conciliation

Mediation and Conciliation

This guide contains a faster and more affordable conflict resolution ...

The Sustainable Construction Process

This guide concerns the sustainable process in the construction industry ...