Strategic Partnerships – From Idea to Contract

This guide provides information about the early considerations, preparation, tendering and contracting. It is particularly aimed at the client and their advisers in the early phases, but it can also provide the delivery team with a valuable insight into the client’s considerations as well as advice on how the delivery team can prepare and contribute in the early phases.

Værdibyg and REBUS have produced two guides on Strategic Partnerships.

Strategic partnerships are a relatively new form of agreement and collaboration in construction, where a client offers a portfolio of upcoming tasks over a number of years in a single package to a delivery team. The long-term collaboration and repitition in projects and processes allows for greater budgetary security, fewer conflicts and better quality for the benefit of both the client and the delivery team.

The advantages of strategic partnerships

This guide is based on experiences from ongiong and planned strategic partnerships and focuses on principles, opportunities, pitfalls and good advice for strategic partnerships. Clients can find a lot of inspiration from previous strategic partnerships, but there is also a need for an adaption of the partnership model in relation to the business and culture of the specific client and the companies involved – and adaption to the current market situation.

You can read more about and download the guide Strategic Partnerships – Implementation of the collaboration here.

Guidelines in English

Strategic partnerships - implementation of the collaboration
Enviromental Surveying and Demolition
Tendering of demolition projects
Circular demolition
Mediation and conciliation
The handover process
Involving sub-contractors
Operations based construction process
Involving the users
Starting right
Payment of winter provisions
Establishing collaboration
Perspectives on phase transitions in the building industry
Schedule report

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