Designers have been using lean thinking for at least 20 years. Both theory and practice have advanced in that time. The purpose of this review is to enable practitioners and scholars from across Europe and beyond to come together to share insights, observations and practices in an open environment so that we can all return to work with a richer view of what we can achieve with lean thinking in Design in our companies — and what further research needs doing.

Because we don’t have a clear picture of the developments that have and are being made within construction design this meeting will be an exploration. There will be no formal papers.

We will build up a rich picture of the different approaches to and learning from lean Design practice

We will use Open Space Technology  to allow a community of up to 40 to meet in several small groups organised around topics defined by participants. With regular report outs to the whole community we hope to build up a rich picture of the different approaches to and learning from lean Design practice over the last dozen or more years – ideas that will help practitioners get more out of Design in their organisations and help scholars contribute to the further development of the theory and practice.

This meeting is for people with extensive experience of using lean thinking in the Design process.

We welcome experienced designers, constructors, consultants, researchers and construction customers to join the meeting.

To indicate your interest and as part of the preparation we ask you to complete a brief questionnaire. We will share the collated results with you as a starter for the discussions. In addition to collecting your contact information, the key questions are:

  • What sort of projects have you been involved in designing using lean thinking in the last two years?
  • What, do you feel, is distinctive/new about the way you use lean thinking in design in your organisation?
  • How has your lean design process changed since you first introduced it?
  • What topics would you like to discuss in the workshop meeting?

The meeting will be hosted by Lean Construction Denmark and will be a charge to participants of €570 to cover the costs including a dinner the first evening.

Accommodation and travel are for your own account. The working language will be English.

The meeting will start with dinner at 7pm/19:00 on Wednesday 7 May and end at 3pm/15:00 on friday 9 May 2025.

Online pre-meeting on 22 January

There will be an online pre-meeting on 22 January 17:00 Central European time (8 am Pacific; 12 noon Eastern; 4pm UK; 8pm in the Gulf; 10:30pm India; [+ on 23 Jan 2025 4am Sydney; 6am NZ])


With best wishes

Pernille Walløe, Janni Tjell, Annett Schöttle, Morten Skaarup Jensen & Alan Mossman.


Location: Ramboll, Hannemanns Allé 53, 2300 Copenhagen

Prices and registration: €570 + VAT


Registration deadline: May 1.


Sponsor of the event:






LCI Denmark: Morten Skaarup Jensen: